Politics of Access of Anti-Retrovirals
The Politics of Access to Anti-retrovirals in the Treatment of African AIDS
Research project supported by the Danish Development Research Council (2005-2010)
Research Affiliate at Makerere University, (Child Health and Dev. Center), Kampala Uganda
Research Affiliate at University of Cape Town (AIDS and Society Research Unit), Cape Town, South Africa
Research Question
To what extent is access to anti-retrovirals being promoted within African countries in ways that advance equity in health provision and support to pro-poor health policies?
3 levels of analysis
•Global=Brand Aid
•National=AIDS policy leadership
•Local=social issues and gender
2 Case Studies
The Western Cape Province of South Africa-a township AIDS clinic (from June until December 2005, June 2010)
The Central Region of Uganda- (Aug-Sept. 2007, Dec-Jan 2008, May 2009, June 2010)

Selected Publications
Richey, L.A. and S. Ponte (2011) Brand Aid: Shopping Well to Save the World Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Lyimo, E. Todd, J.; Richey, L.A and Njau, B. (2014) “The association between social networks and self rated risk of HIV infection among secondary school students in Moshi
Municipality, Tanzania” SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 10 (3-4):
Richey, L.A. and S. Ponte (2013) ”Brand Aid and the International Political Economy and Sociology of North-South Relations” International Political Sociology 7(1): 92-113.
Richey, L.A. (2012) “Counseling Citizens and Producing Patronage: AIDS Treatme nt inSouth African and Ugandan Clinics” Development and Change 43(4): 823-845 (lead
Rasmussen, L. Mubanda and L.A. Richey (2012) ”The Lazarus Effect of AIDS Treatment: Lessons Learned and Lives Saved,” Journal of Progressive Human Services 23 (3): 187-207.
Richey, L.A. (2012) ”Mobilizing for Global AIDS Treatment: Clicking Compassion and Shopping Salvation” in Nordicom Review Special Issue on Mobilizing communication globally: for what and for whom? Edited by K. Wilkinson and F. Enghel, 33: 29-44.
Richey, L.A. and S. Ponte (2012) ”Brand Africa: Multiple Transitions in Global Capitalism” Debate/Forum, editor and contributor; Incl. R. Abrahamsen, D. Brockington, F. Cheru, G. Harrison, and C. Mercer. Review of African Political Economy 39(131): 135-149.
Ponte, S. and L.A. Richey (2011) “Product (RED): How celebrities push the boundaries of ‘causumerism’” special issue on The (new) borders of consumption, edited by Dwijen Rangnekar and John Wilkinson. Environment and Planning A. 43(786): 2060-2075.
Ponte, S., Richey, L.A. and M. Baab (2009) “Bono’s Product (RED) Initiative: Corporate Social Responsibility that solves the problems of ‘distant others” Third World Quarterly, 30(2), 301-317.
Richey, L.A. (2008) “Science, Denial and Politics: Boundary Work in the Provision of AIDS Treatment in South Africa.” New Political Science 30(1): 1-21 (lead article).
Richey, L.A. and S. Ponte (2008) “Better (Red) (TM) than dead? Celebrities, consumption and international aid.” Third World Quarterly 29(4): 711-729.
Haakonsson, S.J. and L.A. Richey (2007) “TRIPs and Public Health: the Doha Declaration and Africa.” Development Policy Review 25(1): 71-90.
Richey, L.A. (2012) “Treating AIDS in Uganda and South Africa: Semi-Authoritarian Technologies in Gendered Contexts of Insecurity” in Gendered Insecurities, Health and African Development. Howard Stein and Amal Fadlalla eds., New York and London. Routledge: 50-71.
Richey, L.A. (2012) “Drugs and Pharmaceuticals” in Encyclopedia of Global Studies, SAGE Reference project. Sage Publications, Incorporated.
Richey, L.A. (2011) “Gendering the Therapeutic Citizen: A View from South Africa” in Reproduction, Globalization and the State. Carole H. Browner and Carolyn F. Sargent, eds. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press: 68-82.