Population Politics & Development
'Lisa Ann Richey carefully and eloquently elucidates the complex web of relationships between international population policies, the Tanzanian state, and the main target of population programs - poor women seeking reproductive health and family services at the local level. Theoretically sophisticated but grounded in solid clinic-level field work, this pathbreaking book should trigger challenges and changes to current neo-liberal models of development, women's health, and HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention in Africa.'
- Betsy Hartmann, Director, Population and Development Program, Hampshire College, UK and author of Reproductive Rights and Wrongs

Richey, L.A. (2008) . New York and London: Palgrave MacMillan; paperback stakeholder version (2010) Uganda: Fountain Publishers.
Richey, L.A. (2008) “Global knowledge/local bodies: Family planning service providers' interpretations of contraceptive knowledge(s).” 18(17): 469-498.
Haakonsson, S.J. and L.A. Richey (2007) “TRIPs and Public Health: the Doha Declaration and Africa.” Development Policy Review 25(1): 71-90.
Richey, L.A. (2005) “’Lover’ ‘Mother’ or ‘Worker’:Multiple Identities in the HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Agenda in Tanzania.” African Journal of AIDS Research 4(2): 83-90.
Richey, L.A. (2004) “From the Policies to the Clinics: The Reproductive Health Paradox in Post-Adjustment Health Care.” 32 (6): 923-940.
Richey, L.A. (2004) “Construction, Control and Family Planning in Tanzania:Some Bodies the Same and Some Bodies Different.”Feminist Review. (2004) 78, Nov: 56-79.
Richey, L.A. (2003) “HIV/AIDS in the Shadows of Reproductive Health Interventions.” Reproductive Health Matters 11(22): 30-35.
Richey, L.A. (2003) “Women’s Reproductive Health and Population Policy in the Context of Post-Adjustment Health Care: A Case Study from Tanzania.” Review of African Political Economy. No.96:c273-292.
Richey, L.A. (1999) “Family Planning and the Politics of Population in Tanzania:International to Local Discourse.”Journal of Modern African Studies 37(3) September: 457-487.